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  • Writer's pictureSharon Sklar

Still Rolfing® after 42 years and Loving It

Updated: Oct 11, 2023

It has been quite a while since I sent out my last newsletter so if being bombarded by emails is not your thing- we are united! I had my reasons for not being in touch. I broke my right wrist at the end of April and had trouble trying to use the computer, living and working as well but persevered with my usual style. Healed up and back to my “normal” self- I am Rolfing away and loving it!

I just found out that I was voted one of the 10Best Bodyworkers in the Natural Nutmeg Magazine readers’ poll for the fifth year in a row and am so, so grateful for that recognition. After 42 years as a Rolfer, I am still looking forward to each session, addressing each client’s needs and meeting with new people who wish to embrace their balance, performance and ease as only Rolfing® does.

My mother, Doris, with her great-granddaughter, Fern.

There are so many other reasons to celebrate and be thankful these days. It is the Jewish New Year, so for me, it is the time for renewal. It is the beginning of new hopes and dreams. I have been reflecting on the past year, seeing areas I wish to improve, going forward with more ease and being thankful for my health and ability to overcome obstacles. I welcome the shifts from such hot weather to cooler and crisper, from busy, busy to more cozy time and lastly, celebrating my beloved mom’s 95th birthday. She came up from Florida for a two-week visit, a wonderful birthday bash and to celebrate the New Year. I am blessed to have her in my life as a role model of intelligence, grace and unconditional love. We cherish every day, every phone call and every minute together.

I wish you a wonderful autumn, great health and well-being and the ability to find joy in the little things. I am available if you wish to come in for a “tune-up” or want to explore the Advanced Rolfing® five-session series to take your body further. I’m here and ready to Rolf!

My best,



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